Our Mission
The Philadelphia Chapter of the American Composers Forum (ACF Philadelphia) is committed to supporting local composers and developing new markets for their music. Through granting, commissioning, and performance programs, ACF Philadelphia provides composers at all stages of their careers with valuable resources for professional and artistic development. By linking communities with composers and performers, ACF Philadelphia fosters a demand for new music, enriches communities, and helps develop the next generation of composers, musicians, and music patrons.
Organizational Goals
1 / Maintain program commitment to support composers’ artistic development and cultivate new markets for their music
2/ Provide an organizational structure to support quality programs and services
3/ Build capacity to sustain and grow the range of Chapter activities
4/ Provide arts education for its members and the general population through its programming
ACF Philadelphia was established in 1997, one of 10 regional Chapters established across the nation by the Minnesota-based national office of the American Composers Forum. The Forum recognized that local Chapters could engage artists and communities in metropolitan areas more directly, vitally and efficiently than a distant, national entity could. Using this approach, the ACF Philadelphia engages composers and local residents with a wide range of creative, educational, and performance activities tailored to needs and circumstances specific to the city, its neighborhoods, and the artists who live and work here. ACF Philadelphia was incorporated in 1999 and obtained tax-exempt status in the state of Pennsylvania in December of 2002.